The digital PR tools, guides and useful stuff for making brands famous and findable.

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Share of Search: The SEO tool approach

Using an SEO tool (like Ahrefs) will give you an indicator of the number of people who are searching. Here's our how-to guide to measure SoS.

Share of Search: The Google Trends approach

If you decide on measuring share of search via Google trends, there are a few key steps to take. We've explained them all in our free guide.

How brands can spot emerging trends online and in social, to create onsite content and media stories that dial-up conversation amongst their target audience. 

What are you talking about?

Bottle's digital PR glossary

From backlinks to URDs, here’s a glossary of the digital PR terms you’ll probably hear us talking about.

Santa, we need to talk about your brand

and your digital bootprint…

Man holding up golden trophy.

How do you achieve the right balance between growing brand salience and growing search visibility in your marketing planning?

The Golden Ratio for Brand Growth

The Bottle Story Playlist explores different ideas and inspiration for ways you can make stories intriguing enough for a journalist to want to credit your brand name in the headline.

The Bottle Story Playlist

5 Tips for Brands to Avoid Greenwashing

Greenwashing describes when a brand makes a statement that implies, they are making something sustainable, eco-friendly, or green, when the reality is, the rest of the business is well, anything but.

10x content

10X Content: The ultimate irresistible reason to link

If you’re looking for examples of 10X content then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve pooled 10X styles into 9 handy categories

We’ve all suffered from infographic-fatigue at one time or another. That’s why we’ve created the Not An Infographic Matrix. 380 different ways to get your next idea across.

Not all content is an infographic

How to apply brand codes to Instagram Stories

Users scroll so rapidly through their Insta feed, and speed-swipe through the Stories, the content you share needs to be immediately you.

How to build your brand on social using brand codes

Establishing and implementing a set of brand codes not only helps to maintain consistency and gain trust amongst followers and newcomers, but also creates distinctiveness within your brand category.

The creative process

The Creative Process…

Six steps to consistently great ideas

Two words that kill ideas: “let’s brainstorm”. There’s a better way, and it’s boringly called the Creative Process.

The emotional reaction scale

Creative evaluation tool.

The emotional reaction scale

Download our simple tool to help challenge – and judge – the creative strength of your ideas.

Universal truths for campaigns that connect

Anchoring your insights on a universal truth – even by flipping that truth on its head – gives your story a point that travels along System 1 pathways.

How to write a creative brief

Starting work on a campaign without a worked up creative brief, would be like leaving the house in the morning without having had a cup of coffee. You just wouldn’t do it, so download the Bottle Creative Brief, for free

how to create an empathy map

How to create an empathy map

Brands use empathy mapping to get into the heads, and hearts, of their target audiences.

What are brand archetypes?

As brands need to connect with consumers in a meaningful way in order to build trust and loyalty, clever companies forge brand archetypes that pull together their values, mission, and vision… with a view that (hopefully) their target audience will resonate with.