Bottle's digital PR glossary

What is Digital PR?

Digital PR is a key element to reinforcing your SEO success while also keeping your brand top-of-mind for target audiences. Digital PR helps to gain greater online visibility within a category, by getting a brand talked about amongst relevant consumers, and linked to from a diverse range of relevant editorial media sources.


Backlinks are hyperlinks that point from one website to another. You have multiple backlinks from a website. The number of URDs (Unique Referring Domains) and volume of backlinks are positively correlated to your organic search traffic.​

Branded Search

Searches for queries that include brand names.


Bounce Rate

A website’s bounce rate measures how many visitors leave a page without performing a specific action, such as buying something, filling out a form, or clicking on a link.


Call to Action (CTA)

Any design to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale. A CTA most often refers to the use of words or phrases that can be incorporated into sales scripts, advertising messages, or web pages, which compel an audience to act in a specific way.


Click-Through Rate (CTR)

A ratio showing how often people who see your ad end up clicking it. Click-through rate (CTR) can be used to gauge how well your ads is performing.


Direct Traffic

When an online user directly types in a website URL into a search engine in order to land that brands site. Any additional traffic that Google doesn’t have the original source information on, is also considered and marked as Direct Traffic.


Domain Authority (DA)

A ranking score developed by Moz (not Google) that predicts how well a website will rank on Google SERPs. It’s a quality score, ranging from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank.


Dwell Time

The length of time a person spends looking at a webpage after they’ve clicked a link to it.


Engagement, or Post Interactions

Post engagement includes all actions that people take involving social content.  Post engagements can include actions such as reacting to, commenting on, sharing with other users, saving the post, claiming an offer, viewing a photo, watching a video, or clicking on a link back to a website.


Engagement Rate (%)

The amount of engagements divided by the amount of people reached, then multiplied by one hundred, i.e., (engagements/reach)*100.


Estimated Coverage Views

A formula created by Coverage Book. Gone are the days of calculating AVE and the highly unrealistic assumption that every visitor to a website reads every page.  This metric is said to be a more realistic figure to state how many people are likely to have seen that piece of coverage.


Follow Link

A backlink that invites an online user to click through from one webpage to another on a separate domain. A follow link acts as a positive signal to Google that the host site values the other site. Therefore, they are one of the ranking factors.



The average number of times social content was served to each online social user (impressions divided by reach).


Head Keywords

Broader search terms that are looked for more frequently than longtail keywords. They are more competitive as broad queries have more results ranking in organic search.



The number of times any social content is seen, even if it does not receive a click, comment or form of engagement.



A keyword (also known as a “search term“ or “query”) are words and phrases that an online user types into search engines, like Google, to find a product, a service or an answer that they are looking for.


Lead, or Warm Lead

When a journalist/s gives an indication that we may get PR coverage following a pitch or sell-in.


Link Building

A digital PR approach to increase the number of backlinks back to your website with the goal to increase the overall authority and quality of your website.


Link Clicks

The number of clicks on links to selected destinations or experiences, via a social content post.


Longtail Keywords

More specific terms that users search for when trying to find niche results. They tend to have lower search volumes and less competition in organic search results. Longtail queries also tend to have a higher conversion rate for brands findability.


Macro Influencer

Influencers who reach between 100k and 1 million people on any one social media channel. Content creation is likely to be their full-time job and they will be well established in their niche.


Mega Influencer

Influencers who reach more than 1 million people on any one social media platform. They are more-often-than-not household name celebrities.


Media Pitch, or Sell-In

The task of pitching media stories to a journalist/s to achieve earned editorial coverage for a brand.


Micro Influencer

Influencers who reach between 10k and 100k people on any one social media channel.


Nano Influencer

Influencers who reach up to 10k people on any one social media channel.



To jump on the back of a trend or news agenda topic, sharing relevant content or reactive commentary from a brand with journalists.


No Follow Link

A backlink that doesn’t directly influence search engine rankings but does still invite a click from an online user.


Non-branded Search

Searches for queries that do not include a brand name.


On-Page Optimisation

Also known as on-page SEO, refers to all the measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in organic search results. This includes optimising meta data, headings, page-copy, and internal linking.


Organic Traffic

Sessions from online users that have found your website in organic search results.


Position Ranking

The position in which a particular website or webpage is ranking in organic SERPs within the top 100 results.



The unique number of people who see a brand or individual accounts’ social content.


Referral Traffic

When an online user clicks a link to your site from a page on another website.


Search Demand

The traffic potential around a specific topic or keyword that is based on the number of people searching for a particular topic/term online.


Search Visibility

A metric provided by third party tools, like SEMRush or Ahrefs, that assess how often your website can be found in organic search results. It’s based on the number of keywords a website is ranking for and the rank positions of those specific keywords.



Search Engine Results Pages are pages that Google and other search engines display when a user searches a query. They consist of site links to the most relevant content to the keyword being searched.


SERP Features

Any result on search engine results pages that is not a standard site link. SERP features include, rich snippets, knowledge graphs, image packs, video carousels, and local packs.


Share of Market

The percentage of sales for one brand in comparison to sales for the whole market sector or industry.


Share of Search

A measurement of a brand’s organic search visibility in comparison to other brands in the same market sector or industry. 


Share of Voice

A measurement of how much market a brand owns in comparison to search competitors.


Trust Flow (TF)

A ranking score developed by Majestic (again, not Google) that indicates the perceived trust of a website based on the quality of backlinks a website receives. It’s a relevance score, ranging from 1 to 100, with the higher scores corresponding to the ranking potential of a website.


Unique Referring Domain (URD)

A website that has at least one backlink to a website. You can have multiple backlinks from one URD.