Client: Stannah

Introducing Stannah-gram

In January 2022, we were given the task of creating client Stannah an Instagram account, a platform they were yet to hop on to.

Our original strategy was to target the end user (those over the age of 65 who might need a stairlift in their home). Flexing our (social) muscles, we started creating content that would resonate with the target audience, using reach ads to let as many users know ‘hey, we’re here’.

The conversion of new followers was steadily growing, but we knew there was more to get out of the platform, for the brand, to lift channel performance higher.

So, in June we had a regroup and decided to switch things up a little…

A Line graph showing a Stannah Stairlift moving up the line. The line starts off slowly rising but then steeply increases.

Elevating the strategy

After reviewing the first six months results, we discovered that the people viewing our content were in fact a slightly younger demographic. This prompted our Planning team to start one of their whizzy audits, to investigate exactly who they were, what content they were interacting with and why they might be looking to Stannah.

Our conclusion was they were the purchase influencer, adults in their 40s and 50s looking for ways to help their older relatives.

Hands holding a phone. On the screen is a meme captioned 'what i see when i facetime my dad'. Below is the image of an elderly man with only his forehead in view.

Uplifting families with supportive content

We went in hard on relatability and accessibility, with some good ol’ British humour sprinkled in.

A scroll through the Stannah Instagram feed.

And the results…

Spoiler alert… Switching up the strategy was right; Targeting a more relevant audience for the platform and boosting posts to non-fans started bringing more people to the page.

 -        Ended 2022 with a total of 1.5k followers, with 1.2k of those followers coming after our June strategy reset

 -        While not our focused metric, our engagement rose 300% after our strategy update (from January 2022 – June 2022)

Our main learnings from this? No matter how shit-hot our strategies are, there’s no harm in changing course to chase even better results.