Client: Rowse


(An award-winning campaign)


microsite sessions


increase in instagram followers


sign-up for future brand marketing news


unique visitors to the site


average engagement rate through influencers content shared


paid reach via social media and influencer partnerships

Rowse, the bee-utiful honey brand, believe it’s important to do as much as they can to help protect and save the incredible honeybees. In September 2020, under their Hives for Lives programme of vital initiatives, they introduced a digital-led campaign to raise awareness of the dwindling wildflower population in the UK, and called upon the nation to find a planter, patch or pot and #FeedTheBees by signing up for free seed balls. 

Omnichannel campaign

Rowse Feed the Bees campaign microsite.

As part of the omnichannel campaign, Bottle was responsible for building a dedicated microsite, that had its own bespoke campaign visual identity and tone of voice, filled with help content and how-to videos.

Driving traffic

To drive traffic to the site, a paid for and organic social strategy on the brands owned Facebook and Instagram channels, with specially created content, for a fortnight.

Rowse feed the bees seed bomb matchbox. Stop motion animation of them coming out of the box.
Feed the Bees campaign influencers. 9 posts they created of them planting the seed bombs to grow wildflowers.

9 influencers

And, we called on 9 micro influencers who had keen garden and foodie interested millennial followers to produce a series of Instagram stories and grid posts to help spread the wildflowers-word over a 2-week period.



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