Client: Canagan
Increasing brand search visibility
increase in search visibility
new visitors to the website
blog views
transactions from organic search
position “grain free dog food” improvement in SERPs
unique media links to the website
The British grain-free pet food brand had been focussing on company growth through supplying independent bricks-and-mortar pet food stores. In an increasingly competitive sector, Canagan wanted to shift their marketing focus from targeting high street retailers to direct to consumer.
The intersection of digital PR and ecommerce
We showed Canagan they needed to grow brand visibility and website authority for the topic of pet food in the eyes of both consumers and Google.
The Digital PR strategy was focused on these SEO objectives, with:
- Offsite PR Stories – giving a reason for people to talk about the brand
- Onsite Content – giving a reason for customers to visit the brand, as well as giving journalists a reason to link back to the website
Using insights to storyplan
A digital insights audit, looking at search queries and keywords, gave the basis of a new brand narrative; ‘Answer the Call of the Wild’, as well as the themes for bi-weekly features centred around the searched-for topics like ‘Is BBQ Food Dangerous for Dogs’ and ‘Running with your Dog – Top Tips and Benefits’.
So that the content was accessible and intuitively organised onsite, with articles featuring guides on pet behaviour, health and wellbeing, as well as nutrition, a new easy-to-find blog hub for visitors we would bring to the website was created.
Let’s talk.