One-Liners as Creative Stimulus – can ChatGPT do funny? 

Giving good stimulus for PR campaign ideas is a creative exercise in its own right – here’s one of the ways we try to get the connection-making going…

Try your hand at some comedy one-liners 


Imagine the GWTB (Get-Who-To-By) creative brief for a catfood brand called ‘Kitty Banquet’ is something like: 

GET cat-owning ‘pet parents’ 

WHO worry that their cat’s food is naturally protein-packed 

TO see that ‘Kitty Banquet’ is the best way to satisfy their cat’s cravings 

BY showing that meatiness is the secret to a well-feasted feline. 


When you’re looking for those problem / solution amp’d-up ideas, you can try a classic one-liner set-up: 

Complete the joke: 

“Our catfood is so meaty…”  

And have a go at channelling your inner Tim Vine. It’s that permission to be silly, stoopid, punny-funny that can release the rational-shackles and take your ideas somewhere fun. 

  • “Our catfood is so meaty, your cat will have the meat-sweats.” 

  • “Our catfood is so meaty, it should come with a carving knife.” 

  • “Our catfood is so meaty, it’s sold at Smithfield Market.” 

  • “Our catfood is so meaty, Salt Bae sprinkles kibble on it.” 

Okay, Mr Vine’s comedy title is pretty safe for now, but you’re off into some juicy territories. 

How does ChatGPT perform on the one-liner quick-fire joke-stage?  

Well, if your own comedy ‘chops’ aren’t so choppy that day, it’ll have a reasonable crack at cracking the funnies: 

  • "Our cat food is so meaty, even the cows are filing missing persons reports."  

  • "Our cat food is so meaty, it just bought a Harley and joined a biker gang."  

  • "Our cat food is so meaty, the grill salutes it every morning." 

  • "Our cat food is so meaty, it needs a hairnet to prevent contaminating itself." 

  • "Our cat food is so meaty, it caused a city-wide barbecue sauce shortage." 

Bovine Missing-Persons Reports and buying Harleys - proof that LLMs can do weird, right? 

Try it yourself, it works for any category, B2B and B2C: 

“Our broadband is so fast…” 

“Our advisors are so friendly…” 

“Our electricity is so green…” 

And even if the idea isn’t delivering the LOLs, you’ll have made some interesting creative connections. 


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